Interpet Gold Disease Safe
£3.84 |
Helps make sick goldfish better
All in one medicine
Safe and effective
A poorly goldfish is a sad sight to see. But if caught early enough, most diseases |
King British Bacteria Control
£5.66 |
Fish medicine used to treat fish with bacterial infections, gill rot & external ulcers. Bacteria Control also cleans & protects wound infections allowing fast healing.
Bacteria |
Interpet Gold Tapsafe
£3.29 |
Makes Tap water safe for fish
Works instantly
Protective Aloa Vera
Although fish love water, tap water can be bad news for your goldfish. Gold Tap Safe treats |
King British Algae Control
£6.59 |
King British Algae Control is a natural, easy-to-use water treatment to control algae growth in coldwater, tropical and marine aquariums. Algae growth is not only |
King British Disease Clear
£5.66 |
King British Disease Clear is a veterinary medicine containing silver proteinate. This is a wide-spectrum treatment that is helpful against most bacterial & fungal infections. |
King British Disease Clear
£4.28 |
King British Disease Clear is a veterinary medicine containing silver proteinate. This is a wide-spectrum treatment that is helpful against most bacterial & fungal infections. |
Goldfish Disease Treatment
£6.37 |
Goldfish Disease Treatment +
Goldfish Disease Treatment + is a safe, effective, way to treat most Goldfish diseases caused by bacteria, fungus and parasites.
1ml of Goldfish |
Green Away
£6.04 |
Green Away 125ml
Green Away clumps the individual suspended particles together so that they become trapped in the filter or sink to the bottom and removed |