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Interpet Gold Disease Safe
Interpet Gold Disease Safe £3.84
Helps make sick goldfish better All in one medicine Safe and effective A poorly goldfish is a sad sight to see. But if caught early enough, most diseases Buy Out
King British Bacteria Control
King British Bacteria Control £5.66
Fish medicine used to treat fish with bacterial infections, gill rot & external ulcers. Bacteria Control also cleans & protects wound infections allowing fast healing. Bacteria Buy Out
Interpet Gold Tapsafe
Interpet Gold Tapsafe £3.29
Makes Tap water safe for fish Works instantly Protective Aloa Vera Although fish love water, tap water can be bad news for your goldfish. Gold Tap Safe treats Buy Out
King British Algae Control
King British Algae Control £6.59
King British Algae Control is a natural, easy-to-use water treatment to control algae growth in coldwater, tropical and marine aquariums. Algae growth is not only Buy Out
King British De-Chlorinator (formerly Safe Guard)
King British De-Chlorinator (formerly Safe Guard) £5.12
De-Chlorinator is a special formulation water treatment, which makes tap water safe for fish by instantly neutralising chlorine & chloramines, preventing stress & gill irritation Buy Out
King British De-Chlorinator (formerly Safe Guard)
King British De-Chlorinator (formerly Safe Guard) £4.28
King British De-Chlorinator makes tap water safe for fish. Use during initial tank set-ups and whenever conducting partial water changes. De-Chlorinator neutralises harmful chlorine & Buy Out
King British Disease Clear
King British Disease Clear £5.66
King British Disease Clear is a veterinary medicine containing silver proteinate. This is a wide-spectrum treatment that is helpful against most bacterial & fungal infections. Buy Out
King British Disease Clear
King British Disease Clear £4.28
King British Disease Clear is a veterinary medicine containing silver proteinate. This is a wide-spectrum treatment that is helpful against most bacterial & fungal infections. Buy Out
Goldfish Disease Treatment
Goldfish Disease Treatment £6.37
Goldfish Disease Treatment + Goldfish Disease Treatment + is a safe, effective, way to treat most Goldfish diseases caused by bacteria, fungus and parasites. Dosage: 1ml of Goldfish Buy Out
Green Away
Green Away £6.04
Green Away 125ml Green Away clumps the individual suspended particles together so that they become trapped in the filter or sink to the bottom and removed Buy Out