Marriages Hen Oyster Shell Pouch
£3.51 |
An excellence source of calcium which is soluble and digested by the bird, enabling it to form strong egg-shells and maintain general health. The practical |
Marriages Mixed Poultry Grit Pouch
£4.12 |
Consisting of two types of grit, insoluble and soluble grit in suitable proportions essential for maintaining general health and quality egg shells. A handy ‘pick |
Mixed Bird Grit
£2.15 |
Mixed Bird Grit & Pigeon Grit:
Pettex Bird Grits contain all of the right graded ingredients to maintain good health, aid digestion and increase vitality in |
Mixed Bird Grit
£19.35 |
Mixed Bird Grit 25kg.
Pettex Bird Grits contain all of the right graded ingredients to maintain good health, aid digestion and increase vitality in all types |
Mr Johnson's Oyster Shell Grit
£2.19 |
Oyster shell grit (soluble grit) dissolves in the digestive system, providing the bird with extra calcium for strong bones and good strong egg shells. |
Mr Johnson's Poultry Grit
£1.97 |
Natural poultry grit (insoluble grit) is essential for a hen’s health as it helps grind their food down as it passes through the gizzard aiding |
Pigeon Grit
£15.94 |
Pigeon Grit 25kg.
Pettex Bird Grits contain all of the right graded ingredients to maintain good health, aid digestion and increase vitality in all types of |