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Chicken Grit
Chicken Grit £14.84
Chicken & Poultry Grit 25kg Buy Out
Happy Pet Bird Grit
Happy Pet Bird Grit £4.61
A calcium enriched bird grit packed with crushed oyster shell Buy Out
Marriages Hen Oyster Shell Pouch
Marriages Hen Oyster Shell Pouch £3.51
An excellence source of calcium which is soluble and digested by the bird, enabling it to form strong egg-shells and maintain general health. The practical Buy Out
Marriages Mixed Poultry Grit Pouch
Marriages Mixed Poultry Grit Pouch £4.12
Consisting of two types of grit, insoluble and soluble grit in suitable proportions essential for maintaining general health and quality egg shells. A handy ‘pick Buy Out
Mixed Bird Grit
Mixed Bird Grit £2.15
Mixed Bird Grit & Pigeon Grit: Pettex Bird Grits contain all of the right graded ingredients to maintain good health, aid digestion and increase vitality in Buy Out
Mixed Bird Grit
Mixed Bird Grit £19.35
Mixed Bird Grit 25kg. Pettex Bird Grits contain all of the right graded ingredients to maintain good health, aid digestion and increase vitality in all types Buy Out
Mr Johnson's Oyster Shell Grit
Mr Johnson's Oyster Shell Grit £2.19
Oyster shell grit (soluble grit) dissolves in the digestive system, providing the bird with extra calcium for strong bones and good strong egg shells. Buy Out
Mr Johnson's Poultry Grit
Mr Johnson's Poultry Grit £1.97
Natural poultry grit (insoluble grit) is essential for a hen’s health as it helps grind their food down as it passes through the gizzard aiding Buy Out
Pigeon Grit
Pigeon Grit £15.94
Pigeon Grit 25kg. Pettex Bird Grits contain all of the right graded ingredients to maintain good health, aid digestion and increase vitality in all types of Buy Out