Wipeout Flea Spray
£11.54 |
The most significant innovation in the environmental treatment of fleas.
Wipeout is pesticide free and the first non insecticidal spray to kill fleas at all stages |
Canovel Home Blitz! Plus Spray
£13.52 |
Kills fleas & larvae, house dust mites and other flying/crawling insects. One treatment lasts for up to 6 months for adult fleas and flea larvae. |
Canovel Home Blitz! Fumer Twinpack
£13.96 |
Fumigation twinpack - great for large flea or insect infestations. Kills fleas & larvae, house dust mites and other flying & crawling insects. Advice leaflet |
Johnson's House Flea Spray Extra Guard
£8.79 |
Contains an Insect Growth Regulator for extra protection. Kills fleas, larvae & other insects. Prevents hatching eggs developing into fleas and protects carpets, soft furnishings |
Johnson's House Flea Spray
£7.09 |
Kills fleas from dogs and cats on carpets, soft furnishings and pet bedding. Contains long lasting Pyrethroids. Not for use on animals. |
Johnson's House Flea Spray
£5.49 |
The new 250ml spray now has an improved very effective water-based formulation and to distinguish it, is in blue livery instead of the previous green |
Johnson's 4fleas IGR Household Spray
£13.47 |
Contains an Insect Growth Regulator for extra protection. Kills fleas, larvae and other insects. Prevents hatching eggs developing into fleas and protects carpets, soft furnishings |
Johnson's 4fleas Room Fogger (Twin Pack)
£11.71 |
Room Fogger (with I.G.R) contains permethrin and s-methoprene. Kills fleas and other insects eg. ants, cockroaches, earwigs etc. Prevents hatching eggs developing into fleas, protects |
Strikeback Home Flea Spray
£10.99 |
Strikeback Flea Killing Spray is a fast acting, long lasting residual insecticide, which kills fleas fast and keeps working for up to 12 weeks after |