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Wipeout Flea Spray
Wipeout Flea Spray £11.54
The most significant innovation in the environmental treatment of fleas. Wipeout is pesticide free and the first non insecticidal spray to kill fleas at all stages Buy Out
Canovel Home Blitz! Plus Spray
Canovel Home Blitz! Plus Spray £13.52
Kills fleas & larvae, house dust mites and other flying/crawling insects. One treatment lasts for up to 6 months for adult fleas and flea larvae. Buy Out
Canovel Home Blitz! Fumer Twinpack
Canovel Home Blitz! Fumer Twinpack £13.96
Fumigation twinpack - great for large flea or insect infestations. Kills fleas & larvae, house dust mites and other flying & crawling insects. Advice leaflet Buy Out
Johnson's House Flea Spray Extra Guard
Johnson's House Flea Spray Extra Guard £8.79
Contains an Insect Growth Regulator for extra protection. Kills fleas, larvae & other insects. Prevents hatching eggs developing into fleas and protects carpets, soft furnishings Buy Out
Johnson's House Flea Spray
Johnson's House Flea Spray £7.09
Kills fleas from dogs and cats on carpets, soft furnishings and pet bedding. Contains long lasting Pyrethroids. Not for use on animals. Buy Out
Johnson's House Flea Spray
Johnson's House Flea Spray £5.49
The new 250ml spray now has an improved very effective water-based formulation and to distinguish it, is in blue livery instead of the previous green Buy Out
Johnson's 4fleas IGR Household Spray
Johnson's 4fleas IGR Household Spray £13.47
Contains an Insect Growth Regulator for extra protection. Kills fleas, larvae and other insects. Prevents hatching eggs developing into fleas and protects carpets, soft furnishings Buy Out
Johnson's 4fleas Room Fogger (Twin Pack)
Johnson's 4fleas Room Fogger (Twin Pack) £11.71
Room Fogger (with I.G.R) contains permethrin and s-methoprene. Kills fleas and other insects eg. ants, cockroaches, earwigs etc. Prevents hatching eggs developing into fleas, protects Buy Out
Strikeback Home Flea Killing Foggers
Strikeback Home Flea Killing Foggers £9.89
The Strikeback Flea Killing Fogger is supplied in a 2-pack, as a minimum of two are often needed to treat a room. Foggers simply fill Buy Out
Strikeback Home Flea Spray
Strikeback Home Flea Spray £10.99
Strikeback Flea Killing Spray is a fast acting, long lasting residual insecticide, which kills fleas fast and keeps working for up to 12 weeks after Buy Out