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Exo Terra Thermometer
Exo Terra Thermometer £6.48
The Exoterra Analog Thermometer is for :• Monitoring terrarium temperature levels • Easy to read and install Buy Out
Exo Terra Silk Ruscus Plant
Exo Terra Silk Ruscus Plant £5.71
Not all terrarium conditions allow live plants to grow or thrive. Some areas are too hot or too dry for live plants whereas others might Buy Out
Exo Terra Turtle Bank
Exo Terra Turtle Bank £28.15
The Exo Terra Turtle Bank is a unique floatation basking area for aquatic turtles. Held in place by magnets, the Exo Terra Turtle Bank can Buy Out
Exo Terra Thermometer & Probe
Exo Terra Thermometer & Probe £19.68
The Exo Terra Digital Thermometer and Hygrometer are each equipped with a remote sensor for accurate measurement and durability. These precision instruments come with a Buy Out
Komodo Habitat Lock
Komodo Habitat Lock £6.59
The Komodo Habitat Lock is designed to work with all sliding glass door cages whether on all-glass vivariums or traditional wood and glass construction. All locks Buy Out
Komodo Coconut Den
Komodo Coconut Den £2.63
Komodo's Coconut den is made from natural coconut, great for hiding in and climbing on. The coconut den is a perfect decoration for your terrarium making Buy Out
Komodo Sand Scoop
Komodo Sand Scoop £3.80
Komodo's sand scoop makes spot cleaning easy. Regular cage maintenance is a vital aspect of keeping any reptile, amphibian or invertebrate. Simply scoop up soiled substrate, Buy Out
Komodo Spray Bottle
Komodo Spray Bottle £4.06
Komodo's Spray Bottle is a must have for anyone with reptiles or any animals that require humidity or benefit from being misted on a regular Buy Out
Komodo Thermometer Analogue
Komodo Thermometer Analogue £6.33
The Komodo Analogue Thermometer accurately monitors temperature and provides both Fahrenheit and Centrigrade. Monitoring of temperature within an enclosure is essential in providing every species with Buy Out
Exo Terra Silk Ruscus Plant
Exo Terra Silk Ruscus Plant £11.10
Not all terrarium conditions allow live plants to grow or thrive. Some areas are too hot or too dry for live plants whereas others might Buy Out