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Komodo Kidney Shape Bowl
Komodo Kidney Shape Bowl £4.67
For those who prefer a clinicial approach to reptile keeping, our attractive kidney shaped dish for food or water is perfect for use with any Buy Out
Komodo Kidney Shape Bowl
Komodo Kidney Shape Bowl £6.59
For those who prefer a clinicial approach to reptile keeping, our attractive kidney shaped dish for food or water is perfect for use with any Buy Out
Komodo Tweezers - Stainless Steel (Straight)
Komodo Tweezers - Stainless Steel (Straight) £8.41
Komodo's Stainless Steel tweezers - Specially crafted tip to provide a secure grip. - Superior tension for accurate control. - The perfect tool for safe, easy hand feeding Buy Out
Komodo Kidney Shape Bowl
Komodo Kidney Shape Bowl £3.02
For those who prefer a clinicial approach to reptile keeping, our attractive kidney shaped dish for food or water is perfect for use with any Buy Out
Resin Deep Water Bowl
Resin Deep Water Bowl £4.39
This hand cast resin bowl is suitable as a deep water bowl for lizards or snakes or it can be used as a food bowl Buy Out
Resin Shallow Rock Bowl
Resin Shallow Rock Bowl £7.69
These reptile bowls are manufactured in the uk from resin to give a smooth interior for easy cleaning and a stone effect exterior to give Buy Out
Resin Deep Water Bowl
Resin Deep Water Bowl £9.89
This hand cast resin bowl is suitable as a deep water bowl for lizards or snakes or it can be used as a food bowl Buy Out
Resin Shallow Rock Bowl
Resin Shallow Rock Bowl £5.27
These reptile bowls are manufactured in the uk from resin to give a smooth interior for easy cleaning and a stone effect exterior to give Buy Out
Resin Tree Stump Bowl
Resin Tree Stump Bowl £5.49
This hand cast resin bowl is suitable as a shallow water bowl for lizards, tortoises or small snakes or it can be used as a Buy Out
Resin Tree Stump Bowl
Resin Tree Stump Bowl £6.59
This hand cast resin bowl is suitable as a shallow water bowl for lizards, tortoises or small snakes or it can be used as a Buy Out