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Komodo Advanced Heat Mat 15W
Komodo Advanced Heat Mat 15W £21.99
The Advanced Komodo Heat Mats are manufactured in the UK to the highest quality. They are an excellent source of 24 hour heat and produce Buy Out
Exo Terra Night Heat Lamp - 75w
Exo Terra Night Heat Lamp - 75w £7.47
The bulb simulates natural moonlight to allow nocturnal viewing without disturbing the animal's day and night cycle. The light emitted is bluish due to the Buy Out
Exo Terra Night Heat Lamp - 50w
Exo Terra Night Heat Lamp - 50w £7.47
The bulb simulates natural moonlight to allow nocturnal viewing without disturbing the animal's day and night cycle. The light emitted is bluish due to the Buy Out
Komodo Advanced Heat Mat 3W
Komodo Advanced Heat Mat 3W £17.32
The Advanced Komodo Heat Mats are manufactured in the UK to the highest quality. They are an excellent source of 24 hour heat and produce Buy Out
Komodo Advanced Heat Mat 22W
Komodo Advanced Heat Mat 22W £24.19
The Advanced Komodo Heat Mats are manufactured in the UK to the highest quality. They are an excellent source of 24 hour heat and produce Buy Out
Komodo Thermostat
Komodo Thermostat £37.39
On/Off Thermostats Precision is paramount when using any thermostatically controlled heat source, and our On/Off Thermostats are guaranteed to maintain the required temperature to within. How they Buy Out
Komodo Advanced Heat Mat 7W
Komodo Advanced Heat Mat 7W £19.64
The Advanced Komodo Heat Mats are manufactured in the UK to the highest quality. They are an excellent source of 24 hour heat and produce Buy Out
Komodo Advanced Heat Mat 39W
Komodo Advanced Heat Mat 39W £28.88
The Advanced Komodo Heat Mats are manufactured in the UK to the highest quality. They are an excellent source of 24 hour heat and produce Buy Out
Exo Terra Daytime Heat Lamp - 60w
Exo Terra Daytime Heat Lamp - 60w £7.47
A broad-spectrum daylight lamp with a Neodymium sleeve. The spectrum is ideal for plant's photosynthesis and the UVA (ultraviolet A) light contributes to reptiles' physiological Buy Out
Exo Terra Night Heat Lamp - 25w
Exo Terra Night Heat Lamp - 25w £7.47
The bulb simulates natural moonlight to allow nocturnal viewing without disturbing the animal's day and night cycle. The light emitted is bluish due to the Buy Out