TetraMin Staple food for all ornamental fish to ensure a long and healthy life. New formula guarantees clearer water
• consists of more than 40 highquality
TetraPro - the Tetra premium food for high nutritional value.
TetraPro Multi-Crisps combine the benefits of a Tetra staple food with a special supplement for your
TetraPro - the Tetra premium food for high nutritional value.
TetraPro Multi-Crisps combine the benefits of a Tetra staple food with a special supplement for your
TetraMin Staple food for all ornamental fish to ensure a long and healthy life. New formula guarantees clearer water
• consists of more than 40 highquality
Tetra TabiMin
Complete tablet food for all bottom-feeders Sinking tablet food for all bottomfeeding ornamental fish.
• the ideal food for ornamental fish that live near the
TetraMin Staple food for all ornamental fish to ensure a long and healthy life. New formula guarantees clearer water
*consists of more than 40 high quality
Tetra Variety Wafers
Mix of sinking herbivore and omnivore wafers for all bottomfeeding fish and crustaceans.
• vegetable enriched with valuable spirulina algae specially for herbivorous bottom-feeding
New improved recipe for clean and clear water - guaranteed*.
The new formula for "clear water" is proven to enhance the growth of fish, thanks to
• Granular staple food
• Contains all essential nutrients, vitamins and trace elements
• The slowly sinking food suits the species-appropriate feeding habits of
• Optimally adapted to
Adapted to special dietary formula requirements of Discus with regard to colour, shape & formula
Slowly sinking pellet
Contains all essential nutrients, vitamins and trace elements
Stabilised Vitamin