Pet Supply Uk supplies a complete range of
Racing Pigeon Corns & Mixes for every type of race and season. The products are tailored to a pigeon’s needs during breeding, racing and moulting. A staple
component of every product is sun-dried cribs maize, an excellent source of
energy, rich in protein.
When my uncle started racing in the late 1930’s, many
fanciers just fed peas and grit. This now seems incredible to us but there are
still fanciers who feed just peas and wheat, or just peas, sorghum and wheat. I
guess one just has to ask oneself, why, when presumably their aim is to win
races and get birds home. For racing and particularly long distance racing, the
birds do not need peas or protein, but carbohydrates and fats to provide energy
for the long hours on the wing, during the journey home.
It is said that
“you are what you eat†and that certainly holds true for pigeons. For a team to
do consistently well, the diet is important. Getting the protein percentage of
the diet right and making some informed decisions about the grain blend used,
will help with performance.
In the stock loft, an error in dietary
management, unless dramatic, is unlikely to have the direct consequences that it
would in the racing loft. Pigeons are long lived and fairly tough. There is
usually the opportunity for dietary correction. Obviously however, making good
decisions from the start is going to lead to better quality weaned babies
starting on the road to become winning race birds.
Racing pigeons are
avian athletes and like any other athlete, feeding them optimally for the job
ahead, means that their full potential is more likely to be realized. The more
the fancier deviates from the best diet, the harder it is for the birds to do
well. Some birds can still win on other diets (which is why all the various
“home truths†have developed) because they have other factors in their favour
such as being exceptional genetically or under a particularly good manager etc,
but a deviation from the best diet just makes it harder. There was one fancier
in South Australia several years ago, well known to Australian fanciers who was
best flyer in his state for many years. He actually fed a very poor diet but
seeing him with his birds, it was obvious that he was an exceptional manager. We
know that for optimal racing, diets need to contain 12-14% protein. For high
performance sprint racing, this should be 12%. Racing diets also need to contain
over 3000kcal per kilogram of energy (in the form of fat and carbohydrate).
Pet Supply Uk supplies high quality, complete feed for racing pigeons. The knowledge and experience of
a variety of national and international pigeon enthusiasts i am sure have gone into
blending the various Top Quality mixes we have listed on our website.
Proteins are made up of substances called amino acids. Various amino acids bond
together chemically to make proteins. Proteins are necessary essentially for
“tissue buildingâ€. The body has increased requirements for these tissue building
substances fairly obviously through times of growth and reproduction. Pigeons
therefore, need high protein levels in their diet when they are breeding,
growing and molting. During racing however, although they still need proteins
for tissue repair, eg, to heal tired muscles and for various base metabolic
processes, it is the carbohydrates and fats that provide the energy for exertion
during racing that are important, so please do browse through our website for the mixtures we offer.